Monday 21 June 2010

So... the list.

My fifty 'must do' list inspired this blog, so I should probably go into more detail.

I'm always writing lists. Shopping lists, 'clothes I must buy' lists, targets I should hit for work, holiday lists. The list of lists is endless (see what I did there?!). When I first met my boyfriend, we wrote ourselves a list of things we wanted to do together, and slowly, over the months, we ticked off everything on it (I'll have to dig out that particular list at some point and put it up here). It was great because it meant that we talked about what we wanted to do, wrote it down, and learnt loads about each other in the process. So yeah... I love lists.

This list of things is personal to me. I've given myself a pretty long space of time to tick everything off - two and a half years, in fact. And I hope that everything is manageable in the time I've given myself. I think probably the hardest task on the list is the one to write regularly here - I'm a starter, I have great ideas for huge projects, but I'm not a finisher. I'm determined this time to complete my top fifty, and in the process, get some great memories down so that I can look back and feel like I've achieved something.

So... onwards with The List. Wish me luck.


  1. Hello! Thankyou for the lovely comment on my blog. And hurrah for '50' lists. I've got one on my blog! x

  2. I think I may have got the initial idea off of your blog - and then it escalated! Apologies for my blatant plagiarism, hope you don't mind.
